The Eclipse Java Persistence Platform: EclipseLink’s Full Monty

The Eclipse Java Persistence Platform: EclipseLink’s Full Monty

The announcement of Eclipse’s Java Persistence Platform project signals the inauguration of a new generation of persistence in which all of the dominant persistence standards are implemented and accessible from a single source. The project, nicknamed EclipseLink, is composed of a set of separate runtime components that run in both clients and servers, and is the first open-source project to offer a full suite of persistence technologies.
In this presentation, recorded at EclipseWorld 2008, Oracle’s Peter Krogh provides an overview of EclipseLink, the standard technologies it implements, and how these technologies can be used separately or together to meet advanced and diverse application requirements. He shows examples of how to use EclipseLink to map Java objects in object-relational and object-XML contexts, and how it can be used in any runtime environment, including Java SE, Java EE, Spring and Tomcat.

Presentation slides