Java EE 6 Tooling Status

Java EE 6 Tooling Status

If you are a Java EE 6 user, your choices for tools have never been better. Maybe you have been using a specific tool forever (NetBeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ), and do not have the time of the energy to learn a new one?

This video presents the latest developments in the following IDEs around Java EE 6:
* NetBeans and its advanced Java EE 6 GlassFish integration
* Eclipse and the Oracle OEPE pack with GlassFish integration, as well as the latest features in the Eclipse December 2010 release (with hopefully more Java EE6 features)
* Intellij and its EE 6 support.

The video contains live demos of the 3 IDEs, presenting advanced features for the EE 6 developer: JPA2, JSF 2, CDI, JAX-RS, Bean Validation, Servlet 3.0, Maven support, and end to end advanced wizards.

Video Producer: Devoxx Conference