Reusing JDK 7’s JAX-WS Runtime

Reusing JDK 7’s JAX-WS Runtime

Current JAX-WS deployments are tightly coupled with a container’s runtime. JAX-WS 2.2 proposed an HTTP SPI that enables a deployment to use any available Web services runtime for HTTP transport. Now that JAX-WS 2.2 is integrated into JDK 7, Java EE 6 Web profile vendors can support 109 deployments by using the Web services runtime in JDK 7. These implementations won’t have to worry about implementing the whole Web services runtime.

They can use a Servlet 3.0 extension that does the 109 deployments by reading deployment descriptors and hand off the request processing to the Web services runtime in JDK 7. This BOF session shows how to use the Web services runtime in JDK 7 for various deployments.