Category: <span>Open Source Tools</span>

JInjector: a Code Coverage and End-To-End Testing Framework for J2ME and RIM

A wide range of J2ME applications are GUI-rich with significant code dedicated to handle the user interface (UI). To maximize the chances of detecting bugs, effective testing of such applications require end-to-end testing on devices. Unfortunately there are few software tools suitable for testing J2ME applications. Our tool, JInjector, instruments …

Kilim: Fast, lightweight, cheap message passing in Java

The message passing (MP) paradigm is often seen as a superior alternative to the typical mix of idioms in concurrent (shared-memory, locks) and distributed programming (CORBA/RMI). MP eliminates worries endemic to the shared-memory mindset: lock ordering, failure-coupling, low-level data races and memory models. It simplifies synchronization between data and control …