Category: <span>User Interface</span>

Powerful Portals with JSF

To be able to develop modern, challenging and efficient web applications, portal solutions are increasingly applied. Using the portlet technology, it is moreover possible to develop standard-based portal modules – portlets. In addition, the current portlet specification 2.0 and the JSF Portlet Bridge allow the realization of graphically high-quality surfaces …

Architecting GWT applications for production at Google

For large Google Web Toolkit (GWT) applications, there’s a lot you should think about early in the design of your project. GWT has a variety of technologies to help you, but putting it all together can be daunting. This session walks you through how teams at Google architect production-grade applications, …

GWT Testing Best Practices

GWT has a lot of little-publicized infrastructure that can help you build apps The Right Way: test-driven development, code coverage, comprehensive unit tests, and integration testing using Selenium or WebDriver. This session will survey GWT’s testing infrastructure, describe some best practices we’ve developed at Google, and help you avoid common …