Vaadin JPAContainer

Vaadin JPAContainer

This video explains how a developer can quickly set up a CRUD application with the Vaadin PAContainer 2.0 and how the its utilities can automatically build a generic UI for the domain model. JPAContainer allows connecting Vaadin user interface components directly to the persistent model objects. It is an implementation of the container interface defined in the Vaadin core framework.

JPAContainer uses 3rd party JPA 2.0 (JSR-317) standard supporting Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) libraries, such as EclipseLink or Hibernate, for storing and retrieving data from database. Vaadin JPAContainer supports the most common features required by Java EE applications out of the box, such as lazy loading, advanced filtering, nested property names and caching. JPAContainer utility classes makes writing CRUD functionality to your application fast and easy. E.g. use automatically created selects or “master-detail views” for ManyToOne or OneToMany relations.